Training for endurance athletes

swim | bike | run | crosstrain

Coaching Services

Group Training

A seasonal group training program to help you progress to bigger goals.​

Personal Coaching

1:1 personalized coaching to help you achieve your biggest goals.

Boot Camps

Learn the fundamentals of swim, bike, run.

Bike Fit

Bike fit, aero testing and consultation.

World Championship Projects

World Championship projects for age group athletes.


Junior, U23 and elite athletes competing at the highest levels.


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Toronto Triathlon Festival Bootcamp

In 2023, in partnership with the TTF, we held our first 8-week boot camp to help first and second-timers improve their confidence in the swim, develop fitness, learn the fundamentals, and build some community.

Subscribe above to get updates on the 2024 TTF Bootcamp


“The boot camp was great. The training plan seemed well thought-out. Training Peaks was a good easy-to-navigate platform for us to use, and I appreciated the workout descriptions that helped us understand why we were doing what we were doing. The in-person and online sessions were informative and helpful, and I especially loved the strength-training routine, which I'm going to carry into my regular life: I've never gone as long without some sort of running-induced complaint. Bryan fostered a great sense of community and was always there to answer questions and give advice. And considering it was a big group with different strengths and weaknesses across the three sports, I think he did a great job of making sessions useful for everyone.”
TTF Bootcamp Participant

p/c: Denise Militzer


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